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+91 90873 31919 / +91 75021 59777

National Service Scheme (NSS)


It is the responsibility of every educational Institution to instil social commitment among its students. The National Service scheme of Karthikeya Polytechnic College is also functioning to realize this goal.

The first social service programme of this College was conducted in December 2008.

The National Service Scheme, a permanent student-youth programme implemented in educational institutions is sponsored by both Central and State Governments. The Motto of NSS is Not Me, But You. The over all objective is Development of Personality of Student-Youth through Community Service. A wide range of activities under this programme aim at inculcating positive values, enhancing leadership qualities and promoting national integration, social harmony, healthy life styles, etc. These activities are carried out under two major areas namely, Regular and Special Camping Programmes.

We are running 1 NSS Units with 200 Efficient volunteers. Weekly once campus cleaning, Monthly once one day camp at near by villages and yearly once special camp are organized regularly. Apart from these, we are conducting Blood donation camp, HIV & AIDS awareness programmes by Red Ribbon club, personality Development Programmes and yoga meditations etc. We received Best NSS Blood donation Organiser award for 2 times a district level from Directorate of Technical Education with in a decade.

NSS Certificate

A volunteer is entitled for NSS certificate upon rendering 240 hours of community service in two consecutive years and participation in 10 days special Annual Camp (Day and Night). Volunteers who render community service of exceptionally high standard may be honoured publicly and also recommended for participation in State, Regional, National youth events.

NSS Incharge

Head of The Department of Science & Humanities,
Karthikeya Polytechnic College,
Contact No : +91 9865428594